Publication charges

There are no charges for submission or publication for this journal. The journal is fully funded by the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kochi, India.

Editorial procedure

The chief editor will screen the suitability of the submitted manuscript and if found suitable, then the manuscript will be sent to peer-review with at least two external reviewers. The journal will follow the double-blind review.

Manuscript format

The manuscript may have

  1. Title page – brief and concise title, all the contributing authors and their institutions with full postal address. Abbreviations should be avoided in title.
  2. Unstructured abstract – contains 200 words with background, aim, methodology, major results, originality, implications
  3. Keywords – at least five keywords
  4. Introduction
  5. Literature review
  6. Methodology
  7. Results and discussion
  8. Conclusion
  9. Funding information
  10. Conflict of interest
  11. References

All the figures and tables should be numbered and inserted in the appropriate places with in-text citations.

Manuscript preparation

The manuscript should be prepared with the following guidelines:

  1. File type - MS-Word
  2. Size - A4
  3. Line Spacing - Single
  4. Font - Times New Roman and 12-point
  5. Margin - One inch on all sides
  6. Length - Maximum 10 pages (6000 words)
  7. Reference style - APA 7th edition